Once you receive a credit card, the issuing bank mandates generation of a four-digit numerical Personal Identification Number (PIN). This is to ensure the safety of your transactions. While making any payment through your credit card, you need to authenticate the transaction by providing your unique PIN. The PIN is also required while withdrawing money, via your credit card, from an ATM. To prevent unauthorised card usage, you should not share the PIN. But, what to do if you forget your credit card PIN? Well, if you forgot a credit card PIN, the foremost step is to stop panicking. Credit card issuing banks, such as SBI, Axis Bank, Citibank and RBL, have a simple process to facilitate instant PIN generation. Here’s a look at the steps required to change your PIN number.
If you forgot an SBI credit card PIN, you can generate a new PIN either online or through the offline process. To get a new PIN online, you need to follow the steps given below:
If you forgot a Citibank credit card PIN, you can change it online through internet banking. You can also generate a new PIN offline by visiting an ATM or through IVR/phone banking. Here’s a look at the different methods:
Be it shopping online or making offline purchases, your credit card PIN keeps every transaction secure. Besides, the secret numerical code prevents any other individual from using your card. So you must keep your PIN confidential. To prevent online frauds, change your PIN regularly and don’t use common numeric codes, such as ‘0000’, ‘1234’. Also, avoid using easy numeric codes, like your birth year.
Most of us have faced the predicament: ‘I forgot my credit card PIN, what next?’ Well, you can relax. The issuing banks provide simple solutions – both offline and online – to change or reset your PIN instantly.