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Taking safety measures to prevent injuries due to fire is as important as keeping your furniture safe from termites; once it gets seeped in it never leaves the mark. In the same way, you need to take several measures which will help you protect yourself and your family from any serious burns or injury. 

The best method to cure a burn is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Burn risk factors are manageable. Let us read about the methods that can help you prevent burns or scalds. 

Tips to Prevent Burns

Check your smoke alarms regularly 

Invest in a set of smoke alarms and get them installed on every level of your home, especially the kitchen and sleeping areas to prevent burns. Make it a habit to check the alarms by pressing their switches or buttons every month and clean them for their longevity. 

Take extreme caution around open flames or sparks

Candles or matches or lighters are common sources of fire that are available in every household. Keep them away from the reach of your kids or pets (if any), and never allow them to play with such tools. Also, never let them go close to flames or sparks as they are highly dangerous and can cause skin burns.

You can also get an insurance cover that protects you against the costs of treatment of burn injuries. Avail the Burns Benefit Cover via Bajaj Markets and get comprehensive coverage that facilitates your treatment. 

Test the temperature of your hot water

We all love taking a hot water bath as it relaxes the muscles, especially during the winters. But always be sure to check the temperature of the water by using a hot water thermometer and mixing it with cold water accordingly, as it can dangerously burn the skin or cause scalds. Make it a practice to do it every time you are filling your bath tubs or buckets with hot water, especially when your kids or elderlies have to take a bath. 

You can also scald-proof your faucets if it fits your budget. This will automatically check the temperature of the water and cool it when required. Or else, you can use manual precautionary measures.

Install safety caps on electrical outlets and keep electrical cords out of reach 

You must have observed that toddlers or crawling babies enjoy inserting their fingers into electrical outlets. They are bound to do this when they are away from your sight, treating it as a game. This game can turn into a hazardous injury as the chances of getting electrical shocks or burns is high. 

It is advisable to install safety caps on all your electrical outlets and keep the electrical cords away from the reach of children. You can place them in a place where the cords are hidden from them, to prevent any mishaps.

Maintain all electrical equipment in your home

Technology has made us dependent on its use, so much so that we cannot stay away from it even for a moment. For instance, we have a habit of overusing our mobile phones and then leaving them on charging overnight. This heats the charger and the socket simultaneously. The heat may burn the wires, resulting in electrocution. 

Always switch off your electronic equipment before leaving your room or house. Make sure you keep a regular check on the condition of your electronics. If you see a spark coming out of their wiring or are getting a shock after touching them, get the devices checked and repaired immediately. 

Store hazardous chemicals securely and out of reach of children and pets

To keep a house clean, we require harsh cleansers that are full of chemicals. Some of these include whiteners, de-clogging powders, lime products, etc. Try to store these products in a separate storage area in containers away from the reach of children or pets. 

Be cautious with machines powered by flammable liquids 

There are a variety of things that are powered by using flammable liquids such as petroleum, engine oil, etc., and can be found in a household. Try to keep them in a cool or dry place to prevent any kind of heating. Also, whenever checking the engines or batteries of such machines, make sure to do that by wearing gloves to protect your hands from burns or scalds. 

Never leave the stove or oven unattended

When you are using a gas or electric stove or even an oven, make sure to remain in the kitchen till the time they are in use as it can result in fire hazards. Apart from that, make sure to switch off the stove once you are done cooking as it can lead to gas leakage that can start the fire and can cause grave injuries.

Protect kids from burns by teaching them proper cooking techniques

Teach your young kids how to use cooking appliances with caution, for example, teach them to hold hot pots using mittens and never spill water around an electrical appliance, or to turn on the exhaust fans or open the windows if they smell gas leakage, etc.

Never allow your children to come near the stove in baggy clothes made of synthetic fabric that can easily catch fire. Always turn off the knobs of the stove and switch off the oven before leaving the kitchen.

Turn off items that create heat immediately after use

If you are habitual of using a vast variety of hair curlers, straighteners, or electric irons that remain hot for a longer period of time, make it a point to turn them off after use. Also, never leave them unattended, especially when you are around children. 


Prevention is better than cure and you need to apply this rule to protect your family and yourself from grave injuries caused by fire. In today’s world when we are surrounded by tons of electrical appliances, it is imperative to be cautious at all times. By implementing the above-mentioned precautionary tips in our lifestyle, especially when you are surrounded by kids or elderlies, you can protect your family from danger. 

FAQs on Tips to Prevent Burns

How are burns avoided?

Wear gloves and other protective clothing when handling chemicals to avoid chemical burns. Keep gasoline and other chemicals out of children's reach. Carefully use space heaters. Keep them at least three feet away from paper, rugs, bedding, curtains, and other items of clothing.

Can burns be avoided?

Burns can be avoided. Through a combination of prevention measures and advancements in the care of burn victims, high-income countries have achieved significant progress in reducing the rate of burn deaths.

Can ice be applied to burns?

No, you shouldn't apply ice to a burn or even ice-cold water. Applying extreme cold to a burnt area might make the tissue even more damaged. Remove any clothes that conceal a burn so that they can be adequately cooled and cleaned. Keep any clothes that are stuck to the burn in place.

Does a burn cover prevent burns or scalds?

Burns cover does not prevent burns or scalds but it stops the burning sensation and prevents the scarring.

Which factors lead to burn injuries?

The six factors that lead to burn injuries are: Fire is the main cause of burns. Warm water or steam. Hot glass, metal, or other materials. currents of electricity. Radiation, including X-ray radiation. UV radiation from the sun or other sources, like tanning beds. Chemicals like gasoline, lye, paint thinner, or strong acids.

What includes a burn hazard?

These may include sun exposure burns, chemical burns, thermal burns, and electrical burns. Burn risks in the workplace can be reduced by increasing awareness of these risks and taking preventative measures.

Do burn scars fade?

When burns cause skin damage, burn scars develop. The scar tissue for burns that just affect the skin's surface disappears over time. More persistent scarring that may be thick, leathery, or uneven results from injury to the deeper layers of the skin.

How does a burn of the first degree appear?

The only thing harmed in first-degree burns is the epidermis or skin's surface layer. The burn site is painful, dry, and red; there are no blisters present. One example is a minor sunburn. Rare cases of long-lasting tissue injury typically involve changes in skin tone.

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