Know Details About CIBIL Xpress Acquire
With the help of the new CIBIL Xpress Acquire platform, one can totally silence the nagging voice at the back of their heads, which keeps whispering that your application may not go through due to your CIBIL TransUnion score or Credit Information Report. The CIBIL Xpress Acquire platform potentially has what it takes to make the dreams of millions of Indians a reality, which were previously left immaterialised due to financial constraints. This article will essentially take you through the concept in question, its significance to the borrower as well as the lender and how you can make use of this service too. Read on to know more.
What the CIBIL Xpress Acquire platform essentially does is that it pulls up some basic information pertaining to your credit score and history and then compares them to the eligibility criterias that have been laid out by the banks and/or other lending institutions. Post the same, it pulls out the loan or credit card options and limits that you are fully eligible for. Such a tool has the potential of shortening the traditional loan-finding process by about 60 percent in terms of the number of tasks that need to be performed to do the same as well as time.
The workings of the CIBIL Xpress Acquire platform can seem deceptively simple on paper, but rest assured, the process is more complex than you might imagine it to be. What you will find in the paragraphs that follow is an explanation concerning the workings of the CIBIL Xpress Acquire feature. Read on to know more.
CIBIL TransUnion score as per the time of them checking
Credit Information Reports of the present as well as the past
City of residence
And then, it checks against the vast database that they have of minimum requirements and eligibility criterias laid out by banks. The platform will then auto-scrutinise the loan options for you and then disqualifies the loan or credit card options whose eligibility criteria list may seem even a little bit impractical. It does so by analysing the data that is found on the likes of your Credit Information Report, your CIBIL TransUnion scores, city of residence and the amount you earn currently as your annual income.
Post that, the CIBIL Xpress Acquire platform will show you a list of loan and credit card options from various banks for which you have already been approved. You can then browse through an elaborate list of those tailor-made and custom-fitted, pre-approved loan and credit card options for which you are already deemed to be eligible. The platform will then display all of the offers on the credit cards and the loans for which you have already met the eligibility criteria.
It must also be noted that the CIBIL Xpress Acquire platform performs the same functions for credit facilities such as the likes of home loans, loans for personal reasons, loans taken against property as collateral and credit cards.
One must enter their annual income accurately until the final digit, as it directly affects the kind of loan and/or credit card options you will be eligible for.
does not, however, guarantee that the loans and/or credit cards will be approved. Except, as complex as the process may sound, it simply saves you the hassle of Googling such things for hours at length.It is known to be one of the longest steps in the application process.
of a loan or a credit card will depend solely on the lender’s credit policy, which contains factors such as the likes of the documentation concerning checks and verification.
Access to the platform, at any given point in time, lasts a maximum of three months from the date of purchasing your TransUnion Score and Credit Information Report.
Access to the platform is totally free for 3 months. It starts from the date you last purchased your Credit Information Report.
You can select only one product per category. It is advisable to not select the lender who has rejected you previously already and has a note mentioning it in your Credit Information Report
The CIBIL Xpress Acquire Platform helps the potential borrowers narrow down the list of institutions they can take a loan from. However, it must be noted that the loans must be taken at one’s own risks. It is highly advisable to pay the EMI instalments on time, to avoid the adverse legal as well as financial consequences of being unable to do so. In order to learn more about the concept, you can do the same on Bajaj Markets.
Articles on CIBIL