DPT Vaccine

DPT Vaccine combines three vaccines, diphtheria, and tetanus toxoids, adsorbed with the pertussis vaccine. It protects you against three contagious diseases – Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis, which cause breathing difficulties and other complications if they are not appropriately treated. Generally found in the soil, the tetanus bacteria enter our body through abrasions, affecting the heart’s functioning.

Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus Vaccine (DPT)

Vaccination is the first step to protect your child against illnesses that can be prevented by immunisation. Each dose of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTwP) costs ₹225. The first dose of this vaccine is given once the child turns 6-weeks old.

Why is DPT Vaccine Given?

DPT vaccine is given for effective immunisation against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis or whooping cough. All 3 can be fatal in children as they may lead to severe breathing difficulties and organ failure. DPT vaccine greatly reduces the possibility of contracting these diseases by making the body’s immune system resistant to these 3 bacteria. While DPT is usually administered to children, adults who want to boost their immunity can also get the vaccine.

How Effective is the DPT Vaccine?

DPT vaccine combines the weak toxins of diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. They are chemically treated and made inactive. An inactive toxin is called a toxoid. A DPT booster mainly contains toxoids of all three diseases that trigger the body's immune response to develop resistance to these three diseases.

The effectiveness of DPT vaccines depends on the type of vaccine you opt for. DTaP vaccines are 80% to 90% effective. You must inoculate your kids with all 5 doses in time to reap maximum benefits. If vaccinated as per the schedule, 9 out of 10 children are fully protected. A complete DPT vaccine series offers 97% efficacy against diphtheria and 100% for tetanus.

How is DPT Vaccine Administered?

DPT is administered via an intramuscular injection. 3 doses are given at a 4-week gap, starting from 6 weeks of age. 2 additional booster shots are given at the age between 15-18 months and 5 years. Tdap is given at the age of 10 years and needs to be taken after every decade. DPT vaccine schedule should be adhered to for optimum results.


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Types of DPT Vaccine

DPT vaccine comes in 3 types. They are:

  • DPwT

It contains the fully killed pertussis bacteria. Also referred to as the triple antigen vaccine, DtwP consists of tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and whole-cell pertussis bacilli, which are adsorbed on insoluble aluminium salts that play the role of adjuvants.

  • DPaT

It contains only trace proteins of pertussis germ. It has lower side-effects than DPwT but is equally effective. The vaccine also contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoid. Main pertussis toxins are tracheal cytotoxin (TCT), pertussis toxin (PT), and adenylate cyclase-hemolysin (AC-Hly).

  • Tdap

It contains weakened diphtheria toxic as well as pertussis trace. It's the least potent and effective among the 3 and is mainly administered to adults for boosting immunity with minimal side effects. According to the US CDC (Centre for Disease Control), Tdap should be given only to those who are older than 7 years of age.

Who Should Take the DPT Vaccine?

DPT vaccination is safe and recommended for the following:

  • Healthy Infants

DPT is mainly for infants. At the age of 2 months, they should be administered the first dose.

  • Young Kids

Children more than 10 years of age are given the Tdap vaccine as a 1-shot dose.

  • Adults

Adults who want to boost immunity or those susceptible to diphtheria should go for the Tdap vaccine.

  • Pregnant Women

Pregnant women should take a DTP booster shot in the third trimester of pregnancy to protect the newborn against the diseases.

Who Should Not Take the DPT Vaccine?

Children with the following ailments, diseases or pre-existing health conditions should not go for the DPT vaccine:

  • Severe Allergy

Children with severe allergic reactions shouldn't be given the vaccine.

  • Neurological Problems

Children who have neurological issues or seizures should not be administered the DPT vaccine shot.

  • Disorders

Children suffering from an immune system disorder called Guillain-Barré Syndrome should not take the dose.

  • Swelling and Pain

If the child encounters pain or swelling in any part after a vaccine, other doses should be discontinued.

  • Persistent Sickness

In case of any serious sickness, the DPT vaccine shouldn’t be administered to the child.

What are the Side-effects of DPT Vaccine?

Following could be the side-effects of DPT vaccination:


  • Skin redness

  • Soreness

  • Fever

  • Appetite loss

  • Vomiting

  • Fatigue

  • Headache

  • Swelling

  • Body pain


DPT vaccines should be given to every healthy child to protect against the 3 diseases that can be lethal. Pregnant women can also take the DPT vaccine. Adults usually take a booster to strengthen their immunity further. In case of side effects, contact the doctor immediately.


 Vaccination is a comprehensive strategy to fight diseases and it can only succeed with the widespread participation of people. To safeguard the health of children, look for a comprehensive health insurance plan that covers vaccination as well. If a child contracts diphtheria or whooping cough, there is difficulty in breathing which can lead to other lethal conditions too. Check out the range of health insurance covers available on Bajaj Markets and protect yourself and your loved ones from medical emergencies.



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FAQs on DPT Vaccination

Does DPT vaccine hurt?

It does. Pain while taking the DPT shot is the most common side effect of this vaccination.

Where is the DPT vaccine injected?

The DPT vaccine is injected in the vastus lateralis muscle of the thigh.

Is DTP vaccine given to adults?

No. DPT vaccine can only be given to kids under the age of 7 because the pertussis vaccine is not licensed for anyone over the said age. However, if you want protection against diphtheria and tetanus, you can go for the booster dose of DT.

What are the types of DPT vaccine?

There are 3 types of DPT vaccine:

  • DPwT

  • DPaT

  • TDaP

What are the side effects of the DPT vaccine?

Body pain, headache, fatigue, vomiting, skin redness, and soreness are a few common side effects of the DPT vaccine.

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