Calories in Biryani

1 plate of biryani accounts for about 153 calories to 642 calories, depending on the ingredients. On the lighter side of the calorie scale lie paneer biryani (153 calories per serving), vegetable biryani (198 calories per serving), and egg biryani (222 calories per serving). On the other hand, Biryanis with meat are more calorie-dense. This includes mutton biryani (642 calories per serving) and chicken biryani (502 calories per serving). 

How Many Calories Do Different Kinds of Biryani Have?

Over the past two decades, the incidence of people contracting health issues and diseases, primarily attributable to unhealthy lifestyles, has shot up significantly. Hence, we must carefully consider what we consume, in order to ensure that our health is not compromised. In simpler terms, this means that we need to understand and be aware of the calories in the food we eat every day. Listed below are the calories that exist in different forms of biryani that are popular today.

Kind of biryani and quantity consumed


Mutton biryani (1 serving = 2 cups or 402gm)


Chicken biryani calories (1 serving = 205 grams gm)


Vegetable biryani (1 serving = 1 cup or 169gm)


Egg biryani (1 serving = 1 cup or 169gm)


Prawn biryani (1 serving = 400gm)


Paneer biryani (1 serving)


Mushroom biryani (1 serving)


Fish biryani (1 serving = 1 cup)


Nutritional Facts about Biryani

Biryani happens to be a wholesome meal that is nutritious while being incredibly flavourful. Not only is it a rich source of carbohydrates and protein, but it also provides you with a number of vitamins and minerals.


The table featured below gives you a breakdown of the micronutrients found in a single serving of chicken biryani weighing about 196 gm.

Nutritional Value of Chicken Biryani




4.6 gm


318 mg


27 gm


2.2 gm


3.7 gm


14 gm

Vitamin D

0.20 mcg


66.64 mg


1.65 mg


502 mg

Calories in Common Food Items Served with Biryani

Biryani is often paired with different foods ranging from yoghurt and potatoes to salads, which each add to its nutritional benefits. Listed below are dishes that are frequently served with biryani and the calories they singularly contain.

Dishes Served with Biryani


One plate biryani calories (chicken biryani: 169 grams) and yoghurt (50 grams)


Calories in chicken biryani (1 serving of 365 grams) with a bowl of tomato and cucumber salad


Calories in 1 serving of fish biryani (1 cup) served with a bowl of potatoes


Mutton biryani calories (1 serving of 402 grams) served with a bowl of yoghurt (50 grams)


Health Benefits of Eating Biryani

Biryani happens to be a delicacy that is enjoyed by thousands of people. Listed below are some of the more prominent health benefits associated with different forms of biryani.

1. Vegetable Biryani 

Owing to the fact that this kind of biryani has a limited amount of saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, it serves as a healthy meal. Vegetable biryani is rich in dietary fibre as well as manganese, which each play a key role in supporting healthy digestive function.

2. Chicken Biryani 

Chicken serves as a greater source of Niacin as well as Vitamin-B that collectively help your body fight free radicals that cause cancer. Chicken biryani also happens to be rich in vitamin B6, which governs your body’s metabolic function. Almost all the main nutrients one must consume are present in chicken biryani.

3. Mutton Biryani 

This form of biryani serves as a good form of protein and all of the essential amino acids. These nutrients help suppress hunger, which can help you manage your weight effectively.

4. Fish Biryani 

Biryani made with oily fish like salmon, cod and halibut are rich in Omega 3 acids. These acids are a vital source of healthy fats which help prevent a range of health issues, including cardiovascular diseases and asthma.

5. Egg Biryani 

This form of biryani is very nutritious as the yolk of an egg is a rich source of vitamin A and B, lecithin and iron. Not only do eggs help boost metabolism but they also help with weight loss.

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Popular spices used in biryani include saffron, turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, ginger, bay leaf, garlic, and cardamom, to name a few. Different regions in India feature different kinds of biryani, with each sub-type utilising unique variations of spices, as mentioned above. To keep track of different types of Biryani benefits, you can take the aid of an online calorie calculator. Also, it is advisable to secure yourself against uncertainties by always owning a valid health insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Calories in Biryani

How many calories are present in one serving of chicken biryani?

One serving of chicken biryani, which roughly weighs about 365 gm, contains 502 calories.

Can I eat biryani every day?

While biryani is rich in protein and essential amino acids, it is best to not consume it every day, as the dish also contains a considerable amount of fat and carbohydrates, which may, in turn, lead to weight gain and obesity.

How many calories are there in mutton biryani?

Mutton biryani calories (1 serving, i.e., 402 grams) = 642 calories

What micronutrients are present in chicken biryani?

One serving of chicken biryani contains 4.6 gm of fat, 318 mg of sodium, 27 gm of carbohydrates, 2.2 gm of fibre, 3.7 gm of sugar, 14 gm of protein, 0.20 mcg of Vitamin D, 66.64 mg of calcium, 1.65 gm of iron, and 502 mg of potassium.

What are the benefits of eating fish biryani?

Biryani made using oily fish like salmon, cod and halibut, is rich in Omega 3 acids, which are a viable source of healthy fat. These nutrients help in preventing several cardiovascular diseases and asthma, too.

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