CC in Bikes - Importance and Impact

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The process of purchasing a bike can be confusing since there are a bundle of options available in the market. You have to compare a multitude of variants available in the market and gauge each model based on parameters like weight, design, power output, etc. While doing so, you may wonder what ‘CC’ in bike’s nomenclature refers to. The full form of CC is the cubic capacity and is indicative of the bike engine’s chamber volume. Different bikes have different ranges of capacities, starting from 50 cc and going up to over 1800 cc. When purchasing a bike, you must understand the importance of cc of the bike since it is the deciding factor of your bike’s mileage, torque, and horsepower.

Permissible Limit Of CC For A Bike In India

Bikes with a cubic capacity of up to 500cc can be driven in India with a normal licence. However, for two-wheelers with a cubic capacity of greater than 500cc, a separate licence must be issued.

Which CC Bike Is Best For Beginners

In India, the best cc bikes for beginners are generally in the range of 150cc to 250cc. These bikes offer a balance of manoeuvrability and power. 

How Does the Bike's CC Affect its Insurance Premium

The premiums of two-wheeler insurance policies do not depend on just one factor. It depends on various factors, one of the major ones being its cubic capacity. Hence, the two-wheeler owners of the same bike end up paying varying amounts of premium for their respective vehicle. There are two kinds of two-wheeler insurance policies which you may purchase: comprehensive and third-party bike insurance.


The following table shows the difference insurance premiums of two-wheelers with varying cubic capacities:

Cubic Capacity of the Bike

Third-party (₹)

Not exceeding 75 cc


Exceeding 75 cc but not exceeding 150 cc


Exceeding 150 cc but not exceeding 350 cc


Exceeding 350 cc


For a comprehensive insurance plan, the coverage is not limited to the third-party related losses. It extends up to own-damages as well. As a result of this, the insurance premium is dependent on several factors and not just on the vehicle’s cubic capacity. Here are a few factors which influence the comprehensive insurance plans’ premium amounts:
  • The bike’s model plays an essential role in the determination of the insurance premium. Different manufacturers have varying price tags for several models, therefore, the risks assumed by the insurance companies are different.

  • The insurance premium of these plans also depend on the two-wheeler’s engine capacity. It increases with the increase in the engine capacity of the bike because the repair costs are higher.

  • Another factor influencing the two-wheeler insurance premiums is a voluntary deductible. A nominal amount, known as the ‘standard deductible’, must be paid along with every insurance claim amount. However, except this nominal amount, you can choose a voluntary deductible in which you opt to bear a certain amount of the policy’s claim amount. This in turn will help you mitigate the premium of your two-wheeler comprehensive insurance plan.

  • The two-wheeler’s safety equipment, no claim bonus, and the add-on covers also influence the comprehensive car insurance premiums.

Impact of CC on a Bike's Performance

A higher engine capacity signals more significant space in your bike’s cylinder, which makes space for a higher capacity of both fuel and air. This directly translates to higher power output. If you are a bike enthusiast, you would have heard of the terms ‘short-stroke’ and ‘long-stroke’ engines.


Short-stroke engines are short but possess wider pistons that move over shorter distances. They move at a higher speed, and hence produce more power at higher speeds. Long-stroke engines, on the other hand, are deep but have narrow pistons that move over longer distances, and thus, they generate greater torque than power.


Moreover, a bike with a higher cc will generate better power, which means, a 1000 cc bike will produce more power than a 100 cc bike. However, you must note that when we observe the engine cylinder’s shape, an 800 cc long-stroke bike will produce less power than the 500 cc short-stroke one. Every engine has a piston, which is pushed by the pressure received from the fuel’s heat energy. This linear motion is converted into rotational motion and is then transmitted to both the gearbox and the clutch. 

Impact of CC on a Bike's Cost

The cost of the bike you wish to purchase is directly related to the bike’s cc. Since a higher cc also means better performance, this would include certain mechanical augmentations as well. These mechanically augmented components would consist of superior brake pads, aerodynamics, suspension, exhaust systems, and highly durable materials, which can withstand immense wear and tear when you cruise at high speeds. So, if the bike is manufactured using high-priced raw materials, it would naturally cost more.

To Conclude

You now know what the cc full form is, how it determines the bike’s power, as well as its implications on your bike insurance premium. When purchasing a bike, factor in your budget, mileage, and maintenance costs. It is vital that when you purchase a bike, you opt for bike insurance to protect it from any unforeseen damage. For any queries, visit the ‘bike insurance’ page on Bajaj Markets to get a better understanding of the right coverage for your vehicle

FAQs on Impact of CC in Bike

What is the cc meaning in bike nomenclature?

The meaning of ‘cc’ in bike nomenclature is ‘cubic capacity’.

How does cc affect a bike’s performance?

Higher the cc, the greater the engine size, which results in an augmented ability to generate torque and power.

Does cc affect the speed of the bike?

No, the cubic capacity of the bike does not affect its speed. The cc represents power generated, resulting from angular speed and torque. However, its speed depends on other factors such as weight, the gear ratio, and the diameter of the wheels.

Does the cc affect the cost of the bike?

Yes, the cc of a bike affects its cost. A bike with higher cc will cost more than a bike with a lower cc.

Is third-party two-wheeler insurance mandatory for a 1000cc bike?

Yes, according to the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988, a third-party two-wheeler insurance is mandatory for every bike, irrespective of its cc.

Are the two-wheelers with a higher cubic capacity good?

Bikes with a higher cubic capacity have bigger cylinders which digest more fuel and air, ultimately burning more fuel for every stroke. This would ultimately result in the production of more torque and power.

Is 300cc good for beginners?

Yes, a 300cc bike is good for beginners.

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